
Feedback Mistake #2 (part 2/3)
Conscious Culture Conscious Culture

Feedback Mistake #2 (part 2/3)

One thing we’ll never tire of talking about is feedback. Because having a feedback-rich culture is one of the most important things you can do to create a more resilient and innovative business. But giving feedback well isn’t easy. 

We tend to avoid, procrastinate, or sweep it under the rug until the problems become more pronounced. But, the good news is that feedback is a skill and a muscle - and like any muscle, we can strengthen it. We just need the right form and plenty of practice.

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Feedback Mistake #1 (part 1/3)
Conscious Culture Conscious Culture

Feedback Mistake #1 (part 1/3)

In our experience, one of the most underdeveloped skills in the workplace is how to give feedback. Good feedback. Feedback that actually educates others and helps them improve. So we decided we’d do a summer series on the most common mistakes that we make giving feedback, and how to do it differently.

Because feedback is a gift, when it's given well.

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Is Your Culture Nice or Kind?
Conscious Culture Conscious Culture

Is Your Culture Nice or Kind?

We recently delivered a training session to a team of managers on how to effectively manage underperformance.  To be completely honest, we were a bit nervous going into the session. After all, underperformance is not the sexiest topic. Escalation strategies aren't exactly inspiring, and documentation isn’t exactly fun.

You can imagine our surprise when we looked at the post-training survey and saw 10/10 ratings across the board.

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