What We’re Learning (and Relearning) About Resilience
I’m often struck by how life imitates art. This past month, we’ve led several teams through a “Building Resilience” training. Every time, I’m reminded of how much I need to hear the message as well. Lately, I’ve noticed how often I tell myself that once I get through this hurdle, I can exhale. Then, things will feel more manageable.
But just as I move past one wave, another one comes. It’s taken me a while to realize that the waves might not stop.
Feedback Mistake #1 (part 1/3)
In our experience, one of the most underdeveloped skills in the workplace is how to give feedback. Good feedback. Feedback that actually educates others and helps them improve. So we decided we’d do a summer series on the most common mistakes that we make giving feedback, and how to do it differently.
Because feedback is a gift, when it's given well.